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Bespoke software development
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Impact on clients, communities, and our people
Boost your career, boost global innovation
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Discover our formula for your success
We team up with the top in tech to deliver top-tier results.
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What we do
Bespoke software development
About us
Who we are
Impact on clients, communities, and our people
Boost your career, boost global innovation
How we work
Discover our formula for your success
We team up with the top in tech to deliver top-tier results.
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Leadership as a Service: CTO-led & technical direction

LaaS empowers your business to achieve profitable growth by providing technical leadership, advice, and support that covers the strategic, technical, and cultural aspects of your work.

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Senior-level support for your business

Whether you’re a new startup or a large multinational company, CTOs and other seasoned tech leaders are an essential part of your team. While hiring a permanent tech executive will usually take 6+ months, Vention’s tech leadership can start supporting your business in days.


We provide newly-funded organisations seeking to accelerate business performance with expertise on MVP development, product advisory, tech stacks, and hiring strategies as they advance to the next growth stage.


Whether a company needs help bridging the gap following an engineering manager’s departure or addressing other pressing issues, the Vention team can provide you with an executive-level professional with the right skill set immediately.


For resolving more than simple development issues, our leadership adds a layer of technical management to align engineering teams, identify IT needs and gaps, and build agility into the technology processes of even the most established companies.

Pave the way for success with CTOaaS

Vention has helped build many unicorns and supported countless enterprise-level clients, so our CTO as a service is well-equipped to step in with the level of technical leadership, development, and support that you need most.

Strategy and architecture

From the product roadmap and architecture to the technology stack and team composition

Best practices

Engineering and product management practices that clear roadblocks and combine people, process, and technology solutions

Cost optimisation

IT budget planning and cost optimisation are key CTO responsibilities, along with crucial “build vs buy” decisions

Team scaling

Build high-performing teams from day one and along your entire trajectory

Technology review

Develop a roadmap and agile KPIs for continuous value delivery and quick response to change

Advisory and coaching

Advice on matters of architecture, strategy, organisation, and processes to empower leadership with vision and innovation

Service packages aligned with your trajectory

Our packages match your scale and ambition. With our efficient and highly skilled team as support, start solving your most pressing technical challenges with an optimal service model.


  • Supportive: 8 hours/week
  • Enabler: 16 hours/week


  • Supportive: 8 hours/week
  • Enabler: 16 hours/week


  • Supportive: 8 hours/week
  • Enabler: 16 hours/week
  • Intensive: 24 hours/week

Facing engineering challenges that can't wait?

Our technical leadership hits the ground running.

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Achieve agility

Assistance in developing a roadmap and agile KPIs for continuous value delivery and quickly responding to change

Align business

Validate your technology strategy alignment with the help of experts

Optimise costs

Enhance your CAPEX and OPEX with the help of an experienced leadership team

Identify opportunities

Cross-industry experienced leadership advice available to identify innovative ideas to boost your business

Maximise ROI

Optimise your IT investments to achieve more with less 

Reduce risks

Reduce business and technology risks, including technical debt, throughout the journey

Our work


Juice Plus+


All case studies


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