Bevi: A smarter way to hydrate

Bevi, a Techstars honors grad, contributes to today’s sustainable workplace through smart water dispensers turning filtered tap water into delicious fizzy drinks.



years of active engagement


weeks for a full website redesign


companies served

Project description

Quickly gaining traction among investors and early users, Bevi determined that a highly experienced development partner — able to keep up with its fast pace and deliver new functionality within hard deadlines — would be as essential to their trajectory as water itself.

And so, referred by a former Vention client, Bevi tapped three of our engineers to cover both the website needs and the software aspect of the vending machine. The first milestone in the journey was a complete website revamp; our team redesigned the existing solution and created a new one from scratch in just two weeks.

Even more impressively, we developed an Android-powered vending machine app from the ground up without access to actual hardware — all due to our deep domain expertise and understanding of the system architecture.

Automated data analysis designed by our developers was also instrumental to Bevi’s business success, as it enabled the company to continuously track the operating costs, the carbon footprint of bottled water, and other vital sustainability indices.

The result

Our high-quality deliverables and strategic tech stack choices not only quenched Bevi’s thirst for innovation, but also helped them significantly reduce their 4,000+ clients’ carbon footprint, saving over 200M plastic bottles (and counting!) from being used and discarded.

Privileged to partner on the most fundamental aspects of their business model and its mission-critical technologies, our collaboration with Bevi has continued to deliver brilliant referrals ever since.


Tools & technologies


JavaAndroid SDKFragmentsJackson/Gson

Other technologies

Bluetooth API (BLE)UsbSerialNetwork Connection ClassGIT

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