GovOS: Form automation for forward-thinking governments

Built on the premise that digital government is not about innovation for its own sake, GovOS is focused on implementing new technologies to continuously improve citizen services.



years of active engagement


Vention team members


local and state agencies powered by our platform

Project description

Initially, GovOS approached Vention requesting a 2.0 version of their already-solid e-signature and form automation platform; rising to the challenge, we equipped them with a dedicated team of senior Scala, PHP, and QA engineers within just a few days.

We started off by streamlining electronic document workflows and building new e-signature and form generation systems, which reduced organizational friction and made interactions with customers seamless.

To increase the adoption of public e-payment services, we developed a full-fledged payment system that can be integrated with all major payment providers. As automation is critical for digital transformation, our team also introduced automatic emailing, tagging, approvals, and user assignment.

The result

What we did with GovOS didn’t go unnoticed; in 2020, they were acquired by Kofile, the #1 provider of information management solutions for government agencies in the US. Today, our platform powers 2,700+ local and state agencies across the country, allowing millions of citizens to submit online forms from literally any browser or device.

Our team has continued to fine-tune the platform, helping the client ensure their offering keeps pace with an increasingly tech-savvy population.


Tools & technologies


ExpressPHPScalaEnzymeJavaSpringAkka StreamsPostgreSQLSlickNode



Other technologies

Auth0Google Cloud APIDatadogKubernetesDockerJenkins CILambdaApache ORCAthenaFargateAurora ServerlessELK

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