Startups are not for the faint of heart
Establishing a startup requires fresh ways of thinking, adaptive skills, strong connections, and fierce determination. A little luck doesn’t hurt either, particularly when unpredictable circumstances — a global pandemic, for instance — can upend expectations despite millions in funding.

Despite the inherent risk factor, successful startups routinely change everything about how we work, learn, shop, and travel, so it’s no wonder they attract only the boldest.
Today, the startup landscape is marked by ever-changing tech, tough headwinds, and no shortage of burning ideas. So what separates a fizzled launch from a stratospheric rise? Often it boils down to having the proper support to scale at just the right moment.
Our software development experts have been helping tech startups operate across an array of verticals and industries for decades, transforming promising companies into industry frontrunners and building the solutions behind international growth. We’ve seen enough to know that running a startup can be challenging and cutthroat work. Best to come prepared.
What’s inside
That’s what we’re here for, with a comprehensive guide to advise and help, not to mention dispel common doubts about startups — both upcoming and established — as they grow from foundation to funding and beyond.
An online marketplace for books headquartered in a garage, now worth $1.56 trillion. A hookup-driven university website, now home to nearly 3 billion users. Two dropouts bootlegging personal computers, now with a market cap greater than the GDP of Italy. For startups, scrappy beginnings can preview meteoric growth.
Startups are businesses in the earliest growth stage, nimble teams finding their foothold and readying to scale. While startups aren’t necessarily limited to tech and software, they certainly call both to mind. In practice, startups are new endeavors seeking to leverage nascent technology for radical scaling. Tomorrow’s household name might be working out of a toolshed today.
There’s never a dull day in Startupland, but what do the numbers say about the ecosystem today?
Our 2022 State of Startups Report pairs the latest statistics with expert analysis for a bird’s eye view of startup funding, founders, emerging business models, and technology trends. Rely on it to get a good sense of where the wind is blowing VC interest.
No matter the industry segment, all software startups will face similar questions:
Which tech stacks to use? How to monetize? What’s the best way to manage a growing customer base? It’s likely that your startup’s core idea and culture will nudge your technical decisions somewhat. Here’s what to be on the lookout for:
Getting started
Fintech isn’t the only industry evolving at lightning speed. Travel, health, insurance, real estate, women’s health — each of these sectors is abuzz with innovation that is upending B2B and B2C. Everywhere you look, investment and creativity are propelling solutions to age-old problems.
Maybe a startup’s core idea is an entirely new concept, or maybe it’s a fresh take on tried-and-tested technology. It might hinge on execution rather than reinventing the wheel.
Whatever the case, your business needs outstanding management and forward-thinking savvy. New ideas may be the heart of startups, but they don’t have the muscle to carry your startup on their own. (Otherwise, we’d all be founders.)
Down to business
For some startups, that might mean smart resource allocation and the right business model, while for others, it could mean clarifying value propositions and target markets. No two business strategies are alike (they’re a little like snowflakes in that way), but no matter the specifics, your startup will need the durability to withstand investor scrutiny and market conditions.
Fund, allocate, repeat
Dreams delivered
Startup founders love their lofty language, constantly invoking dreams and visions. But you don’t have to be a seer to notice what all successful startups share: fresh thinking, dedicated problem-solving, and smart strategies that ready your business for long-term growth.