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Cloud application development services

Lift your infrastructure off the ground with Vention’s cloud development services. Our dedicated teams have the expertise to help your company seamlessly migrate its digital assets, resources, apps, services, and databases to any cloud platform — or create a new, robust cloud-based solution that solves your most challenging business problems.

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cloud application development

Cloud application development: market stats

The global market size for cloud computing surpassed half a trillion USD in 2023 — and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14 percent until the end of this decade.

Similarly, end-user spending on public cloud application development services is at an all-time high. Breaking down the market pie, we have software-as-a-service (SaaS) claiming the largest share with $208 billion, followed closely by infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) at $156 billion and then platform-as-a-service (PaaS) at $136 billion, forming a substantial portion of the overall cloud investment.

Diversification in cloud adoption is evident, with 89 percent of businesses opting for multi-cloud solutions. Remarkably, a mere nine percent rely on a single public cloud, indicating a preference for hybrid cloud configurations. The majority, constituting 80 percent, leverage hybrid clouds (a mix of public and private), while seven percent opt for multiple public clouds, and two percent choose multiple private clouds.

Our cloud development services



Unlock the potential of cloud technology with Vention’s consulting services. Our experts guide you through every strategic planning, design, and deployment stage. This includes tech stack selection, assessments for compliance with regulations (FDA, HIPAA, PCI DSS), and tailored strategies to optimize your cloud services.



Embark on your cloud transformation journey with cloud app development services that grow with your business. Be it cloud-native development and apps, cloud-based solutions, or cloud-enabled systems, our cloud architectures are robust, reliable, and scalable for startups and enterprises alike.



Seamlessly transition your applications to the cloud with our complete migration services. We set CI/CD pipelines, test and optimize systems rigorously, minimize disruptions, and maximize performance in the cloud service of your choice. This includes comprehensive post-migration support with advanced system monitoring tools.



Optimize your existing cloud-based applications and infrastructure to maximize their potential. We overhaul your outdated cloud apps, suggest new cloud technologies, and implement modern development practices — serverless computing, containers, microservices — that your current cloud architecture might be missing.


Support and maintenance

Ensure the continuous functionality and enhancement of your cloud applications with premier maintenance systems you can trust. With 24/7 support and a commitment to continuous improvement, we keep your cloud systems running smoothly and evolving with your business needs through regular upgrades — plus robust backup and recovery strategies for that extra, always welcome layer of redundancy.

Cloud platforms we tap into

We’re strategic in selecting the right development toolkit for your custom cloud solution so your stack seamlessly integrates with any major cloud service provider.


Durable, intuitive, secure, and accessible. Combine the AWS powerhouse of over 200 services with our in-house experience as an AWS Partner Network Member — and the result is a secure solution to propel your business forward.


Whether crafting new apps or deploying existing ones, our Microsoft Gold Partner-certified teams make the most of Azure’s extensive toolbox to help you manage business-critical software. That includes building, running, and managing applications with high-performance standards.

Google Cloud Platform

As a Google Cloud Partner, we leverage GCP’s global scale, extensive fiber network, and analytics to support the productivity of your cloud computing solutions wherever your business operates. Google Cloud’s suite of computing services and data management infused with AI is a crucial asset for any modern company.


Heroku is a multi-language platform-as-a-service (and a Vention favorite as a Heroku Partner) to build, run, and operate apps contained entirely in the cloud. Their platform accelerates app development and provides a ready-to-use environment for quick code deployment, ideal for startups and medium-sized businesses.

Cloud deployment models for all sorts of challenges

Cloud software development services come in different shapes. Which specific one will suit your business depends on your business needs, security concerns, and compliance policies. But don’t worry: We’ll help you pick the best one for your case.


Our cloud development team has years of hands-on experience designing accessible and user-friendly public cloud products. Services distributed across multiple data centers mean reduced overhead and extra flexibility.


Public clouds are best when:

  • Your workloads don’t involve overly sensitive data.
  • Sudden spikes in demand are expected, like in the holiday season.
  • Global reach is important, and a bit of extra latency is tolerable.



We build hybrid cloud solutions that scale easily, prioritizing workload portability for legacy infrastructures across multiple environments. Hybrid clouds are cost-effective and utilize the strengths of different cloud types where they’re most strategic for your business.


Hybrid clouds are best when:

  • You want to ensure a sweet spot between flexibility and control.

  • Different parts of your infrastructure have widely variable workloads.

  • Your business’ nature requires robust disaster recovery strategies, with data and applications stored across multiple clouds.


Vention’s multi-cloud solutions pick the best features from each cloud vendor and structure them to perform with maximum reliability. The extra redundancy offered, coupled with lower costs, is a powerful asset when downtime is not an option.


Multi-clouds are best when

  • Your workload must be customized down to the smallest details.

  • Committing to a single cloud vendor would be counterproductive.

  • You want to keep your rising IT spending under check long-term.

Maximizing potential with our multi-cloud strategy

As a cloud application development company, we can help you determine how mixing and matching various cloud strategies can help your business become more agile and offer more services while improving security.


Why do companies choose a multi-cloud approach?

Mainly for the potential for cost-saving opportunities. As each cloud service provider has distinct pricing models and rates, a multi-cloud approach lets companies pick the most cost-effective services from each provider and optimize their spending.

Additionally, a multi-cloud strategy usually offers better risk management. The flexibility of a multi-cloud infrastructure mitigates vendor lock-in risks, provides leverage during price negotiations, and boosts your fail-safe redundancy in case one provider experiences unscheduled downtime.


How Vention can support your multi-cloud strategy

Our cloud development company proficiency across cloud service providers and deployment models, in both consulting and implementation, lets us draw the best from each possible approach. We can:

  • Help define your specific objectives, emphasizing the advantages such as cost savings, risk management, flexibility, and mitigation of vendor lock-in risks.

  • Assess your business requirements, guiding your company in selecting cloud providers that align with your needs.

  • Develop a risk management plan to address security, compliance, and potential service outages.

  • Leverage our industry knowledge during vendor selection, negotiation, and ongoing optimization for favorable terms and continuous improvement.

  • Train your IT teams, empowering them to proficiently manage resources across multiple cloud platforms.

cloud application development

Need guidance on the first steps to transform your business with the cloud?

Consult with Vention's cloud experts. We can craft your entire strategy in just a few days.

Schedule a call now

Cloud computing service models we support

Software-as-a-service (SaaS)

Operating on a subscription model, SaaS providers maintain the application centrally, allowing all customers to share the same code base and infrastructure. This centralized management facilitates easy updates and feature rollouts. SaaS focuses on delivering fully developed software applications to end-users.

We offer SaaS development services that simplify the creation of accessible and functional cloud software products. Our expertise ensures easy deployment, robust data integration, high-level security, and sweat-free scalability. We cover the entire development lifecycle, from SaaS architecture design to unit testing, integration, and debugging.

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

In PaaS, consumers receive a complete cloud platform, encompassing the software and infrastructure, to develop, manage, and run applications. The cloud service provider hosts everything, offering flexible pricing options such as “pay-as-you-go” based on resource usage or fixed pricing for a set number of users or resources.

Vention's PaaS development ensures unparalleled mobility in the cloud. We support and maintain development environments through various tools, offering prebuilt application components and simplifying tasks like database migration and data integration. Plus, we keep a watchful eye on every aspect of your platform’s regular maintenance so you and your teams can work (and rest) with complete peace of mind.

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)

IaaS allows outsourcing of the underlying infrastructure, eliminating the need for on-site hardware. This flexibility enables quick resource adjustments based on evolving needs. Those can be storage, servers, virtual machines, and networking, all based on and supported by off-site crews.

Our experts can leverage IaaS models to deploy private, public, or hybrid cloud infrastructures. Our IaaS services also provide flexible, pay-as-you-go access to cloud storage, networking, and servers — with a special focus on creating virtual machines, tailoring components, and optimizing resource pooling so that no byte goes to waste.

Our work



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We’ve been developing custom software solutions, cloud infrastructures included, for the best part of two decades. Naturally, that means a lot of great partnerships and their assorted results. Check out what our clients said about us on Clutch.co.

Geoffrey Teale
Geoffrey Teale

Head of Developer Experience, Upvest

“Vention employees contribute to every part of the development lifecycle including product design, product development and release as well as product maintenance. Together with Vention employees we’ve built and are supporting 19 microservices. In our test environment, we’ve successfully onboarded more than 500,000 users.”

Christopher Vroom
Christopher Vroom

“Vention has played a critical part in the development effort that’s complemented our internal resources. They’ve been involved in both the ideation and development of features and functionalities, which involve aggregating customer information and unique data. One of the advantages of working with Vention is not only their deep bench and skill set, but also the ability to tap into specific development needs as the use case arises.”

Why Vention?


years of experience in cloud engineering

Demonstrated excellence in cloud computing, proven by collaborations with AWS, Google Cloud, and HashiCorp


Guidance on selecting stacks that reduce both initial and ongoing maintenance costs


successfully delivered projects

Delivery on time, on budget, and on scope

Robust security measures endorsed by an ISO 27001 certification

cloud application development
Looking for a hassle-free cloud implementation?Our engineers have successfully achieved it many, many times.
Let’s talk how

Cooperation models that work best for you

We have flexible cooperation options for your exact situation. Count upon:


Staff augmentation

Need a specific skill set to complement your existing team? Tap into our staff augmentation model to seamlessly integrate skilled professionals into your core crew of engineers.

Whether it's filling expertise gaps, meeting tight deadlines, or handling specific tasks, our augmentation services provide the exact solution you need.

Searching for a dedicated, extended development arm for your ongoing projects? Our dedicated teams model offers a tightly-knit team of engineers focused on your project.

Benefit from a talent pool solely committed to your goals, streamlined communication, and the flexibility to scale resources based on evolving project requirements.


End-to-end project development without managing an in-house team? Explore our project outsourcing model for a comprehensive solution from ideation to delivery.

We take full charge of project execution, ensuring timely delivery, overall cost-effectiveness, and adherence to quality standards from planning to deployment and beyond.


Vention’s approach to the cloud

cloud application development

Agile methodology

Our cloud application development specialists leverage the Agile methodology for rapid iterations. This approach ensures quick bursts of development, often in tandem, structured so that teams can operate independently without waiting for a task to be completed before the next one can start. Adaptability, quick feature deployment, and early issue detection are key Agile characteristics.


We heavily invest in mature information security systems that are compliant with standards such as ISO 27001 and follow CIS, NIST, and OWASP requirements and recommendations. Our security experts apply best practices to ensure robust cloud security architectures, integrating security at every stage of the development process, including deploying proprietary encryption algorithms.


Our internal compliance consultants guarantee that your app adheres to all relevant standards — HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, and other global/local regulations. Any new apps we develop have compliance solutions embedded. Our experts pinpoint compliance gaps for existing apps, devise remediation plans, and execute all necessary changes.


The agility of our DevOps experts is instrumental in successful cloud app development. A special focus on virtualization and containerization lets us optimize efficiency with rapid building, testing, and deployment, facilitating simultaneous development and testing in identical environments with on-demand resource provisioning.


We employ container-based strategies to deploy and manage cloud applications. In particular, we assist companies in harnessing the strengths of top software containerization tools and orchestration platforms like Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon ESC, and more. Containerization allows unparalleled portability and compatibility across diverse platforms, including cloud ones.

Our cloud tech stack

Here’s our extensive, but by no means a complete list of favorite cloud technologies:

Frontend technologies

General use: JavaScript

Frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.js

UI: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI

Backend technologies

Programming Languages: C#, Node.js, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, Go

Server-side frameworks: Express.js, Django, Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails, Laravel

RESTful API design: OpenAPI, GraphQL

Database technologies

Relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server

NoSQL databases: MongoDB, Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB, Azure CosmosDB

Cloud infrastructure

Cloud providers: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Serverless computing: AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions

Container orchestration: Kubernetes, Amazon ECS, Nomad

DevOps and CI/CD

Version control platform: GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, Bitbucket

CI/CD: Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Azure DevOps Pipelines, Bitbucket Pipelines, Travis CI, CircleCI

Containerization tools: Docker

Advanced technologies

Artificial intelligence: ML, NLP, computer vision


Big data

Internet of things


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