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Computer vision consulting

Pairing advanced algorithms with visual data, our computer vision consultants leverage AI, machine learning, and extended reality to transform your existing solutions — or create something new.

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Computer Vision Consulting

Our computer vision services

The demand for computer vision solutions has never been higher. At the crossroads of algorithmic efficiency, improved solutions, and enhanced security, computer vision technology is a boon like no other: It grants computers the ability to interpret visual data, a business boost that’s as hard to ignore as it is to replace.

We offer versatile computer vision services tailored to your unique business requirements, in multiple industries. Our experts embrace collaborative approaches customized to your business's computer vision capabilities, converting potential into tangible outcomes by tapping into as many data sources as the technology allows for.

Computer vision consulting

  • Feasibility and requirements – First, we assess the feasibility of all possible computer vision solutions that can be implemented to support your specific needs. Expect a comprehensive analysis of the pathways you can take, together with the precise technical requirements to make your vision a reality.
  • Project scope and tech stack – Once the way forward is defined, we work closely with you to delineate the project scope and technology stack that best suit your goals. Our team of computer vision experts ensures that every aspect of your computer vision project aligns with your intended business objectives, in the near future and in the long term.
  • Detailed implementation roadmap – With the project’s blueprint ready, we then create a step-by-step roadmap for the implementation of your computer vision solution. This roadmap serves as your guide to the project’s progress at all times and outlines the necessary steps, milestones, and timelines, providing you with a clear journey towards success.

Integration services

  • Convert existing solutions – We seamlessly integrate computer vision into your enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and hardware systems from scratch or extend the capabilities of such solutions you already rely upon, optimizing your workflows and operations with minimal disruption for maximum efficiency.
  • Custom integrations – Our engineers craft custom integrations tailored to your specific requirements, including in healthcare diagnostic software, retail POS, CCTV circuits, and more for greater automation and accuracy to your processes.
  • Integration with AR/VR products – Exploring the world of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)? We know how to infuse computer vision into these technologies, opening up possibilities for your business that you might not have previously considered.

Computer vision development

  • Computer vision-powered applications – Through our expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), we leverage advanced AI algorithms and deep learning techniques to build pioneering computer vision applications.
  • Core feature implementation – From precise object detection and classification, to intricate pattern recognition algorithms to filtering and segmentation, our engineers excel in a wide array of computer vision disciplines to meet your specific requirements.
  • Data analytics and custom modeling – We craft custom models to validate your ideas quickly and cost-effectively, making use of our personalized computer vision technology and data analytics systems and tools to empower you with data-driven insights, taking uncertainty out of the equation.

Possibilities unlocked through computer vision

Computer vision technology can be applied to various tasks, applications, and industries, from healthcare to manufacturing and beyond.

The technology’s wide range of use cases can look daunting when you’re first defining your project scope, but that’s what consultants are for: to help you select the right tasks for your solution’s development and objectives in alignment with the value your customers expect.

Optical character recognition (OCR)

  • Document scanning digitizes documents for storage and analysis
  • Text extraction converts printed or handwritten text into machine-readable data
  • Data entry automation optimizes data input by extracting text from images

Image processing

  • Segmentation divides images into meaningful segments for data analytics
  • Registration aligns and compares multiple images for insights
  • Enhancement improves image quality and reduces noise for better results

Visual search and image retrieval

  • Reverse image search finds similar images based on a visual reference
  • Product recognition identifies products for online shopping
  • Artwork identification matches art with database records for copyright checks

3D reconstruction

  • 3D scanning sweeps real-world objects to create digital 3D models
  • 3D modeling creates 3D representations from 2D images
  • Depth mapping estimates the depth information of objects in a scene

Object detection and tracking

  • Real-time detection identifies and tracks objects in video streams
  • Multiple object tracking can follow and monitor multiple objects simultaneously
  • Object counting accurately lists objects in large datasets

Facial recognition

  • Feature detection locates key facial features for analysis
  • Face verification authenticates individuals based on facial features
  • Emotion recognition detects emotional states from facial expressions

Body language recognition

  • Posture analysis analysis body postures for ergonomic evaluation
  • Gesture recognition interprets movements for human-computer interaction
  • Sign language interpretation translates hand signs into text or speech

Contextual analysis

  • Scene classification categorizes scenes, landscapes, and urban environments
  • Context recognition identifies objects within their environmental context
  • Event detection pinpoints specific events or incidents within a scene
Computer vision

Skills in the spotlight

Computer vision development services and their associated projects demand an extensive set of skills due to the compounded complexity of all the different parts required. We’re talking up-to-date knowledge of visual data management and analytics, software development for AI applications, and smart algorithms that power machine learning solutions, just to name a few.

Vention’s engineers and business experts nurture all of those skills across departments, and more, to design products that surpass expectations. Here’s how our multiple software development disciplines and technologies coalesce to enable expert computer vision consulting and development.

Machine learning and deep learning

Our engineers are skilled in training neural networks, optimizing model architectures, and implementing transfer learning, all of which are crucial for creating the computer vision algorithms that understand and interpret visual data. We tap decades of experience in machine learning and deep learning to build and fine-tune the complex models used for image recognition, object detection, and semantic segmentation.

Natural language processing (NLP)

Our proficiency in NLP enhances the interpretability of computer vision systems. We use NLP to extract insights from textual metadata associated with or contained in images or videos, improving search capabilities and content recommendations. Additionally, we develop smart chatbots and conversational interfaces that make computer vision applications more context-aware, informative, and user-friendly.

Image processing

We excel at a wide range of image processing techniques that form the backbone of computer vision. Our developers know how to create the algorithms that preprocess and clean raw image data, together with the image segmentation and object recognition that helps to break down complex scenes into meaningful, reliable components.

Mobile app development

Tapping into decades of expertise in mobile, our engineers craft intuitive iOS and Android applications that leverage the power of machine vision whether for image recognition tools or AR-enhanced apps. Our mobile app development teams know how to create cross-platform applications committed not only to optimal performance, but also seamless compatibility with various devices to reach broader audiences.

Cloud expertise

We design scalable cloud-based architectures that support real-time analysis and large-scale deployments for computer vision projects. Our team leverages cloud platforms, such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure to guarantee the reliability and accessibility of your computer vision applications, no matter how vast the datasets they generate.

Extended reality (XR)

Our AR/VR expertise allows us to create immersive, visually stunning applications; computer vision apps are no exception. Whether for training simulations, marketing experiences, or data visualization, we match our proficiency in AR/VR development with computer vision to develop solutions that deliver memorable experiences for your customers.

Daunted by the sheer number of computer vision possibilities?Our consultants excel at helping clients see the path forward.
Let’s talk now

Industries overseen by computer vision

For some industries, like healthcare and security, computer vision technology is already fundamental. In others, it’s slowly making its way toward consistent adoption. Whatever the case, use cases for the tech are here, are real, and have been transforming how business leaders perceive opportunities.


Computer vision plays a pivotal role in enhancing the security of fintech processes, with certain features already commonplace, such as biometrics-based authentication enabled by facial recognition. But more crucially, it automates the analysis of financial documents and security protocols through text recognition, digesting their core contents for humans to be aware of. On the business side, the same feature also allows for the analysis of market trends through visual data.


Computer vision transforms retail—both brick-and-mortar and ecommerce—by enabling tailored customer experiences. Cashierless systems, facial recognition, and foot traffic analysis streamline physical checkouts while automated inventory management, parcel tracking, and AR-powered virtual try-ons make online shopping experiences more efficient. The result? Improved customer engagement for both IRL and URL shoppers.


Computer vision boosts manufacturing mostly by automating quality control and predictive maintenance. To do so, the smart algorithms are trained to understand the supply chain, and their processes, as much as possible to pinpoint inadequacies and detect defects using image analysis.


The healthcare industry thrives on computer vision particularly on medical imaging analysis, where visual interpretation and anomaly recognition are paramount for proper medical diagnoses. Further, machine vision enables patient monitoring through visual data, and even drug research. Computer vision development for healthcare is also unique in that companies undertaking it must be aware of compliance-related laws such as HIPAA.


In logistics, computer vision streamlines processes like package labeling and tracking, inventory management, and route optimization. High-demand use cases include automated package sorting, last-mile delivery optimization, real-time tracking of shipments, and inventory control through visual data.


The security sector relies heavily on computer vision for surveillance, anomaly detection, and threat analysis. It’s increasingly common for CCTV circuits to be integrated into computer vision solutions so it can provide high-level facial recognition (including for access control through multi-factor authentication protocols), real-time intrusion detection, license plate recognition for law enforcement, and predictive security analytics using visual data.

Our computer vision tech stack and tools

At Vention, we abide by a whole suite of multiple computer vision technologies. Here’s a by-no-means-comprehensive list of the most popular:

Cloud platforms

AWS ML tools (SageMaker, CodeGuru, Forecast, Comprehend, and more)

Azure Machine Learning

Google AI Platform, Google Cloud AutoML

Programming languages





















MLOps tools



Quality and security, together

At Vention, we understand that nothing replaces excellent security and quality standards in the field of computer vision. We prioritize data security, privacy, the safeguarding of intellectual property rights, and strict adherence to non-disclosure agreements that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your projects.

Our quality control reflects the best practices in project management, counting upon well-structured planning, execution, and delivery. We also emphasize regular monitoring and maintenance to keep computer vision systems performing at their best, with the flexibility to adapt and optimize as technology evolves.

Data security

We take rigorous measures to ensure the security of your data throughout its lifecycle, from acquisition to storage and processing. This includes robust encryption, secure data transmission, and access control. Our commitment to data security means that your sensitive information remains protected against unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Data privacy

Respecting data privacy regulations and best practices is at the core of our work. We prioritize the anonymization and minimization of data, together with full compliance in respect to GDPR and similar consent management laws. Our stringent data privacy measures ensure that individuals' rights are preserved and your projects comply with relevant data protection standards and regulations.

Intellectual property rights

We fully respect intellectual property rights, both our own and those of our clients. Our work is guided by a strong commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of your intellectual property and innovations. We take pride in crafting custom solutions, computer vision or otherwise, that empower our clients while protecting their proprietary knowledge.

Non-disclosure agreements

We recognize the importance of trust and confidentiality in business relationships. Our professionals are dedicated to establishing and honoring non-disclosure agreements in order to safeguard sensitive project information. Here, your proprietary information remains secure, fostering a climate of trust and partnership.

Project management and best practices

Quality in computer vision projects is ensured through the rigorous application of project management best practices. We employ structured planning, clear milestones, and effective communication to meet your objectives. Count upon an organized, transparent approach that allows for a frictionless project experience and on-time, on-budget delivery.

Regular monitoring and maintenance

Computer vision systems are dynamic and require continuous attention. We offer regular monitoring to ensure your solutions operate at peak performance at all times. Additionally, we prioritize proactive maintenance and course correction to adapt to changing conditions, technologies, and evolving requirements. This commitment to quality allows our solutions to grow and improve over time, delivering lasting value to our clients.

Our success stories

Case study

motum (by RepairFix)


This SaaS platform leader, which aggregates vehicle claims and manages routine maintenance, partnered with Vention after a sudden growth in need of a top-notch application to keep those new customers in. Our computer vision consultants paired with our machine learning engineers to install new features and AI-based automation in the company’s solution, ultimately scaling the client’s management delivery to over 8,000 vehicles and many more claims.




A photogrammetry software veteran company, Vexcel is one of our long-term clients, with a wide range of solutions developed in tandem during our partnership. We’ve created a framework for batch processing, a handful of ML-based aerial image analysis tools, and in-browser map applications that serve as the frontend of the algorithms running in the background.

Our clients say it best

Our over two decades of custom software development have worked wonders in terms of beloved partnerships and well-pleased clients. Check out what they have to say about our collaborations on Clutch.co.

Paul Steckler
Paul Steckler

Founder & Senior Partner, Ramp Catalyst

“They have done multiple projects around AI, ML and VR spaces. We worked on leading-edge voice agent technology. They recently built an AI agent with Ph.D.-level research and development skills; the result was a breakthrough for that industry. We’ve generated several recommendation engines for products in the VR space and are near selling a start-up built with Vention resources.”

Vadim Berman
Vadim Berman

“We develop and distribute artificial intelligence (AI) software to extract actionable intelligence for brands, and to detect abuse on the internet. Despite our very niche and specialized application domain, the developer assigned to us has been doing a great job understanding our needs and developing a quality product.”

Lior Harel
Lior Harel

“The model we chose is team extension, developers joining the core engineering team. We're happy with those additions to the team . . . The programmers are a fantastic addition to the group. They were promptly integrated and brought up to speed. The level of expertise of the developers they let me interview is impressive. And the ones we eventually hired.”

Why Vention?

A proven track record

  • 20+ years of experience developing custom solutions
  • Partners with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
  • 500+ award-winning clients served

Talent every way you look

  • 3,000+ dedicated developers on tap
  • 71% of software developers are senior-level and team leads
  • 20+ AI industries and 10+ unicorn clients

As innovative as flexible

  • CVs within 48 hours
  • 2 weeks from contact to kickoff
  • Zero operational overhead

Visionary consulting to elevate your computer vision project


Years of experience developing custom solutions


AI industries served


Engineers and consultants with AI-specific skill sets


AI projects successfully finished

Delivery on time, on budget, and on scope


Assistance in choosing stacks that reduce both upfront and ongoing maintenance costs

Our AI pros boast notable achievements in Kaggle competitions and projects

An ISO 27001-certified company

computer vision

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