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Insurance software development services

Transform your business with our cutting-edge insurtech solutions. With our team of experienced engineers, we plan, design, and build modern insurance products that are not only reliable but also scalable. Partner with us to enhance your digital presence and drive growth in the competitive insurance market.

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Fintech insurance

Our insurance software development services

To attract today’s consumers, insurance companies must invest in digital transformation and modernize their platforms. This expands offerings and combats fraud. We provide insurance software development and consulting services, giving you a competitive edge without needing in-house developers. Collaborating with our experts ensures you build solutions with the right technologies to achieve your strategic and revenue goals.

Consulting & advisory services

Need an expert opinion before coding begins? No worries. We’re ready to assist with everything, from tech spec requirements to architecture assessments. Our consulting teams remove the element of doubt from products to ensure they’re safe, efficient, and durable. That includes tech consulting, DevOps, cloud, and other technologies and processes.

Custom insurance software development

Frontend or backend, web or mobile, our engineers are experienced in designing and developing custom insurance applications that solve pain points across the entire insurance lifecycle — for customers and businesses.

Legacy software modernization

We improve your insurance platform with the latest solutions from AI/ML, AR/VR, and IoT technologies; along the way, we can fully reengineer your software, recoding it to fix technical errors and bugs common to outdated legacy architectures and fine-tune your API architecture. We also can expand your product’s functionality and seamlessly migrate it to cloud architecture.

Integration services

We integrate your insurance solutions with:

  • CRM platforms to attract, manage, and retain even more clients
  • Payment systems, such as Stripe and PayPal, to simplify transactions, automate billing and invoicing, and overall minimize human error
  • Analytics solutions that enhance decision-making based on models, trends, graphs, and tangible evidence
  • Dedicated accounting and insurtech software from your third-party provider of choice

Insurance solutions unique to your business

Modern insurtech applications bring a level of hassle-free interactions to the insurance industry that are impossible to mimic in legacy architectures. We’re talking robotic process automation, faster claims processing, and simplified policy management, just to name a few.

Vention’s solutions are never one-size-fits-all. We take every detail of your unique business challenges into account and leverage AI to craft advanced custom-fit apps, complete with all the data analytics requirements to increase visibility into metrics and a robust architecture to enable future scaling.

Document management solutions

We automate your document lifecycle from creation to storage, improving your paperwork flow to deliver significant time savings and measurably greater return on investment. That includes e-signing, scanning, filing, storage, and fetching.

Risk management systems

Our custom insurance software development applications help you track key risk indicators through data analysis and real-time monitoring, powered by technologies that accelerate your decision-making without compromising reliability.

Claim management software

Our claim management software solutions process and validate property, health, or life insurance claims against policy terms, reports, appraisals, and customer profiles. Furthermore, our unique AI-powered mechanisms help you track and identify causes of claims, manage resources efficiently, and ultimately reduce costs.

Policy compliance software

We tailor custom insurance software to automate and thoroughly regulate policy compliance requirements. This way, you can manage customer claims, estimate quotes, and issue policies accurately. At the same time, your solution does the heavy lifting in the background.

Underwriting solutions

We remove the opacity of underwriting processes and streamline the time-consuming manual operations to assess risk. By using advanced rating algorithms and meticulously designed user interfaces, our insurance software developers craft solutions that shave off hours of repetitive work.

Agent onboarding

We simplify cumbersome onboarding processes through automation, allowing you to engage faster with a larger pool of agents based on whichever criteria you choose.

Business outcomes to propel your revenue

Investing in digital transformation comes with a huge payoff. Beyond simply keeping up with the insurance industry, state-of-the-art insurtech platforms provide companies with the best tools to optimize their workflow processes. The result is natural: more time to focus on the clients and additional revenue. 

Efficient claims processing

  • Automated management of customer claims
  • Streamlined operations that reduce the time between settlements
  • Transparent system that increases customer satisfaction

Improved risk management

  • Algorithms that check both historical and real-time data to identify risks
  • Data-driven risk management strategies and suggestions for implementation
  • Extra data points to ensure up-to-date analysis down to the individual level

Automated fraud detection

  • Machine learning applications that automatically flag potential instances of fraud
  • Integration with external databases to cross-reference the veracity of client data
  • Real-time monitoring of policyholder interactions for immediate detection

Increased customer engagement

  • Tailor-made policies based on individual data and personal preferences
  • Extra digital channels to facilitate communication with customers
  • Ability to provide extra content such as policy updates and educational tips

Optimized revenue strategies

  • Long-term cost savings due to reduced manual intervention
  • Easy scalability to accommodate the larger influx of clients
  • Better work efficiency between teams using modern collaboration tools

Want to know more about the tech benefits to your insurance business?

We have over two decades of success stories to share.

Let’s talk

Technologies that (em)power modern insurtech practices

Our applications go beyond buzzwords. As an insurance software development company, we stay ahead of the curve on the latest technologies, moving forward with novel approaches in software development to create apps that generate revenue for you and satisfaction for your clients.

AI and ML


Artificial intelligence applications automatically detect unusual data patterns in your platform, including new opportunities and potential fraud attempts. When paired with machine learning algorithms, those applications use data analysis to self-adapt and ensure that the insights you receive are always up-to-date.

Blockchain isn’t limited to cryptocurrencies. The distributed ledger technology also has wide applications in provenance tracking, which makes it ideal as an extra layer of security redundancy in data safety and fraud analysis, even against advanced scam methods using AI.

IoT sensors are present in homes, vehicles, commercial enterprises, and healthcare facilities. IoT applications make better use of your machine learning algorithms by providing a huge influx of data points for analysis, enhancing an insurer’s knowledge of risks and conditions surrounding the insured assets.

Data analytics work better when conceived as an ecosystem. A modern data analytics solution taps into big data to gather information from hundreds of different indicators, structuring those random bits into actionable insights that would be otherwise invisible.

Our customers’ opinions matter

At Vention, we’ve nurtured great collaborations in over two decades of custom software development. Check out their impressions of our partnerships on Clutch.co.

Mary White

Software Development Manager, Sungage Financial

Vention's engineers have delivered high-quality work on time, helping the client add new features to their platform and achieve continuous growth. The team is talented, proficient, and flexible, leveraging Jira, Slack, and Google Meet to collaborate. Moreover, they’re independent and helpful.

Department Lead

The client is happy with Vention's work. The iOS developer has delivered high-quality work from the get-go, while the QA automation engineer has paved the way for good automation flows and tests. Overall, the team contributes significantly to the continuous improvement of the client's app.

Geoffrey Teale

Head of Developer Experience, Upvest

Vention has helped the client build and support 19 microservices. They've also enabled the client to onboard more than 500,000 users in their test environment. Moreover, the client praises how the vendor fully integrates themselves into the team, challenges ideas, and shows a product mindset.


average client savings per year


raised in client acquisitions


client IPOs


client unicorns

Why Vention

A proven track record

  • 20 years of experience developing custom solutions
  • 500+ award-winning clients served
  • Dialogue, Convene, and ClassPass built their apps with us

Top-tier talent

  • 3,000+ dedicated developers on tap
  • 71% of software developers are senior-level and team leads
  • $2B+ raised by our clients collectively

Operational excellence

  • CVs within 48 hours
  • 2 weeks from contact to kickoff
  • Zero operational overhead
ISO 27001 certification

Our ISO 27001 certification reflects our unwavering commitment to top-tier information security management. Trust in our proven framework to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Our work




Vention believes that our furry friends also deserve the best insurance coverage. Working together with Wagmo, we created a dedicated app to centralize their systems, streamlining their insurance plan management and client onboarding on top of new functionalities, such as the inclusion of multiple payment processor APIs. Wagmo’s customer base went from 50 to over 4,500 active users


All case studies


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